[Note 18.]
I have analysed the radio waves coming out from the artifact I found on P0012_P1_0005. They oscillate around 5Hz and produce a series of clicks. They also switch phase regularly. Stardrifter's computer analysed them further and I was presented with the following numbers: -18,928; 29,680; -67,336. There is only one conclusion.
These are Balastrackonastreya's parsis coordinates!
Whoever had left this, wanted to point to our homesystem. But why? A message that the Felisians have been there? It makes sense. An explorers wanting others to know where they were from. Their origins. There are many scratches and cavities on the surface. What is hidden inside if anything? Dimensions are exactly 19 units. What is amazing is that despite the fact that the cube has surely seen its better days, the edges are so well preserved. Maybe they are not a part of the cube, but they are a part of some kind of a frame hidden underneath the material covering the sides? There must be something, right?
Note index: [go]
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